“Since sharing my initial draft with raw daisies, I have been able to mold the script into something even more interesting, nuanced, and unique than I had originally imagined”.



  • CREATE A FULL SCRIPT (short film, feature, pilot, web-series, etc…) that is ready for production

  • PROVIDE NOTES AND EDITS to nearly realized scripts

Over the course of several meetings, we can:

No matter what stage your story is in

— whether it is an idea, a half script, or just needing edits —

we will get it to a place where it can be produced!

What People Are Saying

“Michael Feder played a crucial role in getting our pitch deck ready for The 2020 Netflix Canada Pitch Competition. Michael asked for a package containing characters, general plot and overarching themes. He then broke down how we can achieve our goals on an episode by episode basis. Michael then quickly produced a 25 page script for the pilot episode in which we were able to workshop. Throughout the process, Michael welcomes discussion and is not afraid to challenge our perspective. He brought to the table an objective voice guided by his excellence in screenwriting.

WILLIAM YAO, Director of Off-Broadway show Daydreamers

“I am a young filmmaker entering the industry and found raw daises to be extremely vital and helpful to me as I have been developing my first feature length script. From the start, I trusted this company and its founder to understand my vision and provide timely feedback that was constructive, objective, and focused on the key points of good storytelling. Since sharing my initial draft with them, I have been able to mold the script into something even more interesting, nuanced, and unique than I had originally imagined. I would absolutely recommend taking advantage of their services to any other filmmaker or artist out there who may be considering seeking assistance with script development.”


“I recently had the chance to work with Katie on a film I wrote and directed. Katie was the lead actor in my film as well as a script consultant. Her interest in the story helped advance the script. She not only polished the script but also helped me format it correctly. I greatly appreciate the time and effort she put into helping me. She went above and beyond with her suggestions, and this benefitted the story, ultimately making the film have more depth.”


We love to collaborate.

Want to work together?

Send us an email.

raw daisies

raw daisies ❁